As part of your production within the CEVRAI group factories, we help you submit your products on the platform

Registering a dietary supplement in France – How does it work?

    1. Please create an account for your company on
    2. Log in to your administrator account (using your ID ending in -adm)
      enregistrement téléIcare Laboratoire CEVRAI
    3. Click on the menu, then on Company and then on Mandataires or Agents
      Mandataire TeleIcare Laboratoire CEVRAI compléments alimentaires
    4. Enter the information for the company Laboratoire CEVRAI F.C.V.
      Comment enregistrer un complément alimentaire en France - Laboratoire CEVRAI
    5. We will then receive your delegation request in our space and we will accept it. Only from that moment can we declare dietary supplements on TéléIcare on behalf of your company.
    6. Once the deposit is made on your behalf, we will have to wait for the deposit validation (up to 3 months wait).
    7. That’s it! We have received your market authorization! We can start production.


  • This only concerns the registration of dietary supplements made in the CEVRAI group factories.
  • We will need the graphic design of the label/packaging.
  • We will need the validated formula.

For all your requests, do not hesitate to contact us: +33 7 81 05 13 43